When joining our Company, all employees receive comprehensive induction training in the critical aspects of Safety, Health, Environment and Community. Similarly, new employees participate in formal and informal programmes that enable new hires to acclimate quickly into the Mexancab Management culture.


As an employee progresses through his or her career, refresher courses are provided on a regular basis along with other job specific training, allowing the employee to pursue professional enhancement and work skills. Training is linked to individual development plans and performance management.

Talent management and employee satisfaction are major priorities for Mexancab Management. All salaried staff participate in annual performance assessments where job performance and career aspirations are constructively discussed with the one-up manager, and opportunities identified along with any training and/or further education that may be required. Mexancab Management has a formal Management Trainee/Cadet Program that focuses on providing the complete business experience as well as leadership skills to key individuals. In fact, several of these management trainees have worked their way up into senior management positions, supported by both internally and externally delivered education programmes as well as mentoring schemes.